Eric Santos (he/him) — is a Regional Educational Technology Coordinator for the Learning Technology Center, serving the greater Chicagoland region. Eric believes in advocating for greater equity in educational opportunities as well as engaging, inspiring, and empowering all educators through effective edtech utilization practices. He provides professional development and consultation on educational technology, STEM programs and makerspaces, and emerging technologies. A National Board Certified Educator with 15 years experience in public education, Eric has spent over a decade as a leader in his field, including as both a Google for Education Certified Trainer and Coach. He has presented nationally at the ISTE and FETC conferences, as well as locally at IDEAcon, RSAC, and more. He also holds a pair of Master’s degrees, from Dominican University (Educational Technology) and from National Louis University (Curriculum and Instruction), and is an adjunct professor at both colleges. Contact Eric with questions and inquiries if your district is in any of these counties: Cook, Lake, DuPage, Will, Kane, Kendall, Grundy.